Monday, November 28, 2011

Looking for Roleplay partner(s)

  • Post a minimum of three paragraphs, I understand about writer?s block and can tolerate posts that aren?t as long, but even when our characters are interacting there are more things to say than just what their response is, like thought and things the character notices. I don?t want three sentences spaced out as paragraphs either, I don?t count those as paragraphs. The more I get the more I feel like I need to give back, and if I can?t give you back the same amount of paragraphs, I will as close as I can.
  • I am fine with blood and gore but I don?t go into detail about sex, and I won?t do that.
  • I don?t want any love at first sight kind of things going on, there are times where characters already know each other and have hidden crushes, but I would like to bring out the hidden crush thing, instead of within the first few posts they?ve already decided to date.
  • If you have any ideas for the role-play or you want to say ?Hey, how about we do this?? I?m not going to tell you it?s a bad idea, I might even add on to that idea, or we can work something out.
  • I am excited to start any of these role-plays so if you are interested please either PM me or post in the thread and I?ll get back to you as soon as I see that you?ve replied.
  • I am still a student, so there are times where I won?t be able to respond, and there are times I won?t be able to get to my computer, and I know you?re going to have times like that too, so we?ll both have to be patient, even if it is an exciting part in our role-play.
  • In your reply to this thread, please say something about what role-plays you are interested in, if you have any questions and where you would like to role-play this (PMs, threads or email. I?m fine with any of them.)
  • If there is anything else you want to know please feel free to ask me, I don?t bite.

Plotline Key
Plotline still open
someone is interested in this plotline
Taken plotline


Immortal Danger
There is a little town, that is often forgotten, yet it?s very peaceful and quiet and probably very boring. The small town though is pleasant for parents that want to see their children safe, this town doesn?t have much things going on, meaning less danger for children and themselves. This town is good enough, with its own school, library and supermarket, but that is about it. If you want to go do something else that is big you have to go into the city, which gladly is pretty close to this small town.

Of course unlike any other small town there are three people living here. No, they aren?t any three people, these three have been living in this small town for a rather long time, yet they all look as if they were teenagers, they consisted of a prince and two people of protection. All three of them are known as immortals, they are only killed if their head is chopped off and they do age, but it is too slow for people to notice. Immortals do stop aging at a certain point though, but that age varies among them all, these three have been teenagers for a long time, but they had grown up to that age, and still hope to keep aging well into their twenties at least.

How come the rest of the town is filled with humans? Well, long ago, there used to be a bunch of immortals under different kingdoms, and the land this town was on, used to be one of them. This kingdom had been in a great civil war, rebellion had broken out and the two protectors of the prince had been assigned to him. One a girl, of great fighting skill and a boy of great magic skill, this boy happened to be part of the rebellion, but at the same time was in love with the girl. He had been careful with anything he released, even to the girl that he had a crush on. The girl though, was in love with the prince and the prince loved her. These two kept their love hidden but when they were alone they acted like a couple.

One day, the magic boy found this out, and was crushed, though the girl seemed relieved that somebody knew their secret, she trusted the magic boy. The rebellion was starting to get stronger and one day the magic boy decided to take advantage of this, he had threatened the girl to marry him and not the prince or the prince would die. Knowing she had to protect the prince?s life and couldn?t let him die, as his lover and as his protector, she agreed to marry him, but only if he agreed to do one thing for her. The magic boy agreed to these terms.

What was the one thing the girl asked of him? She asked him to erase the memory of the prince, not fully though, just the memories of them being a couple. That afternoon the rebellion had stormed the castle, and the girl was forced to fight against the prince, and knock him out as the magic boy erased his memory. The girl?s heart was broken but now her love was safe, now there wasn?t a thing to worry about, until the modern times came about. The prince hadn?t forgotten his feelings for the girl, he still loved her very much, and he still does. He gets jealous every time he sees the magic boy with the girl, yet he can?t do a thing about it. Until memories start coming back, every time something familiar is said or he sees something familiar. The prince doesn?t even remember the end of the rebellion when the magic boy, his other trusted protector, had taken his memories.

Now though, the immortals have died out and are scattered across the land, these three had managed to get through the whole thing and now live in the same house, they already own and are trying to get through another year of high school, for their classmates it is their third year, to these three it has been way too many years of high school. Gladly, the principle happens to be an immortal too, and is able get this all arranged for them. What happens though, when this prince?s memories come back? Will he try and find the truth of these two betraying him? Will he try to get his lover back?

I am looking for someone or two other people to play the two guys, I?m playing the girl. I would be happy with other ideas for this and I want someone that could help make this plot come alive with a lot of twists. I wouldn't also mind doing this with three people.

Fallen Angel
Fallen angels are just angels that have done something wrong, something to get them forced out of heaven. Most go straight to the underworld, others that are lucky enough to get a second chance go to earth. To get back into heaven they must help a human with a corrupt soul become clean again. Well, a fallen angel was forced to earth for a certain thing he had done. Though he happens to be very unlucky, he ends up in a place like Las Vegas, where there are people doing drugs everyday, prostitution is legal and there isn't anything morally right with this city.

He happens to meet a girl that is a part of everything in this city, a girl with a hard and sad past that just got into a worse way of living. This Fallen angel, doesn't think this girl is the one he is supposed to save, he just naturally helps this girl out with her drug issues, and whatever else she does on a daily basis that makes this fallen angel cring. This girl at first doesn't really relize that he is actually helping her in anyway, he just gives her a gentile push every now and then but it seems to be a strong influence.

This is the first time this girl had ever gotten help out of this life, a way out of this place. They begin to fall in love, but of course he is a fallen angel, he has to go back to heaven at some point right? This girl agrees to help him find some person with a soul so corrupt that he can go back, but what happens when their relationship goes too far? What happens when other angels get the word that this fallen angel has fallen for a human girl, or even that this girl knows about what he is? What happens when this girl's soul becomes clean, and the fallen angel leaves? You'll have to find out.

I will be taking the Fallen angel and I need someone to play the human

Make a Wish
A prophecy for told of a child that could do anything. A child that would come in contact with the fantasy world. The girl would be the only one with this and world would be untouchable for anyone else. The girl would have the power to wish for what she wants but it comes with rules, she could wish for things that would include changing the balance of things, she couldn?t wish for someone to love her just because, she couldn?t wish for someone to just drop dead, she couldn?t wish to manipulate time. The girl wouldn?t even know about these powers, until the age of sixteen. Of course it wouldn?t just stop there, two guys were trained for this event. They were supposed to stop at nothing so that the girl wouldn?t use her powers the wrong way, they would be her caretakers. They would the only connection the girl had that would know anything. The guys were there when the prophecy was made and were given an elixir that made them not age until the whole thing was over.

Well it had been a while, one of the guys hadn?t been heard from in a while, and the other guy was stuck at seventeen going through school and running from town to town. The girl that was born wasn?t the only one, the prophecy was wrong at the point that the girl was a twin, the powers were split. Only one guy figured out what was going on and now they have to find the other to see what to do, and his job can?t be that easy, there is someone after the two girls and there is more about the prophecy that hasn?t been told just yet.

((Okay I can be either the two guys or girls, although it would be better if I were the guys for storyline purposes, still it doesn?t matter and I was thinking of maybe adding that both girls have a crush on the same guy and they have a bit of a fight too.)

Realistic Romance Roleplay
Twins of a top company pretty much own the school, one female one male. The male happens to be the school president and the female is the vice president. Two of their friends that are also a part of the student council happen to be the only two that are able to get close to either of the twins. Two students (also, male and female) that were never on good terms, but knew each other since birth, decide to work together even though they don?t like each other what so ever so they can get close to the president and the vice president both having a crush on one of them. They try to get through with the friends and join the student council, to convince the twins to go out with them. One other problem that gets in their way is that the school has always been run by the company the parents owned and how much money the kid had. Will the twins go out with them? Will they ever get through to the council?

Okay I need someone to play the two students, and one of the friends that is on the student council. I will play the other student council kid and the twins, heads of the student council.

Boarding School for the Gifted
There was this legend of an academy that took special children, children with different powers. These children were identified for two things one, they have a twin and two they have an unusual marking on them. This marking was the same thing it was a star that seemed to almost be burned into their skin, but it was always in a different location for each set of twins. These children go through day to day life in this academy with nothing out of the normal, they have never known their parents and most them don?t care. They are all in this academy to learn and they have always been told about how different and how better they are than normal humans anyways.

Now, why are these children special? They have powers that humans do not have, it is different for each child, but they each have three powers. These children have lived in this school for a long time they all know each other very well, and they stay in the school until they turn about eighteen and are there from birth. The children that leave the school normally come back every now and then to talk to their former teachers and students that still stay at the school, but they bring back news of the human world. The children learn from birth how to hide their powers from others and are told that it is for the better not to show how different they are from regular humans.

Well, this school is real, and this school is probably better than any human school out there. The students that go there are pampered very well. These students have the best of the best in everything from technology to the basic needs of everyday life. All the students are given special prizes for doing well in their classes. Now there is a group of four students that are given the best of the best of the best, they are given everything because they are the top students in their classes. They are spoiled a lot and are given anything they want and given even better privliages than the rest of the students.

These four students have their own dorms that are in a different area from the other dorm rooms, their common room is better than the normal student?s common rooms. They even have their own class room because they are better students. These students are the best of friends and know each other really well, they are also known for using their powers whenever they want instead of just when it is necessary. These friends though have their own drama going on, with everyone being so spoiled and great friends things are bound to go wrong somewhere.

Okay, we would each be playing a set of twins, one boy and one girl. I would love to add more to the plotline so whatever you have in mind for this as well, I am open to it.

[COLOR="Lime"]I am also interested in an Ouran Highschool Host Club roleplay, but with our own hosts.[/COLOR]


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