Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reasons For Syphilis Infection ? Different Causes Of Syphilis Infection

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Causes of syphilis infectionSyphilis is a highly contagious disease with being one of the commonly known ?sexually transmitted disease (STD) along with AIDS and Hepatitis C.

Being brought with the explorer Vasco de Gama in Calcutta during 1498, syphilis is estimated to have spread across population 47,000 in the year of 2007.

Being among the most common epidemic in Europe around 18th and 19th century, the pandemic is now in much control since the discovery of antibiotics such as penicillin.

The main culprit behind the syphilis infection is a bacterium known as Treponema pallidum. The infection is mainly attributed to physical transfer of the bacteria from the carrier to the healthy individual. Sexual contact is generally most common method of transfer, giving it the notoriety since the beginning of 16th century. The infection may also occur through uterine barrier from a pregnant mother to her developing fetus.

Various Reasons For Syphilis Infection

Sexual Transmission

The infection from bacteria results in emergence of sores at the point of contact. Thus sores generally develop in genital regions as on a penis in case of a man. The area around the cervix in a female also shows appearance of sores apparently through copulation process.

Unprotected sex with an infected person thus expose a person?s body to the infection, a sore is the prime location for the bacteria. The pathogen is transferred through the skin or mucus membrane during the sexual contact, leading to development of sores around the genitalia of the recipient.

Causes of syphilis Infection

Though protection such as a condom provides defense from entry of the bacteria, other sexual acts are being practiced all around the world. Oral sex or anal sex has dramatically increased the chances of syphilis infection in the 21st century. Infectious sores around the mouth and anus are responsible for bacterial transfer especially in homosexual community.

Needles shared along with infected individual can lead to bacterial infection, thus demonstrating infection among drug addicts and medical establishment with improper management.

The bacterium in general needs human body to survive as it cannot live through external conditions. If exposed to environmental factors outside the host body, chances of its survival decrease radically. Thus a person cannot receive infection by sharing common things with an infected person. Thus one cannot be infected by using toilet seat, swimming pool, clothes or bath tubs etc along with syphilis patient.

Also Read

Identifying Syphilis Symptoms By Stage
Be Aware Of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Various Tests To Identify Syphilis

People with primary stage of syphilis tend to develop sores commonly resembling as bug bite or rash around the genital region. However with time, a person with secondary stage syphilis shows reddish pink rash along his/her palms and soles.

Congenital Transmission

Through the placenta, a pregnant mother can transmit the pathogen to the developing fetus, thus affecting the unborn child. Even in act of delivering the baby, there is much possibility of infection to the child. However, the symptoms may not appear in two third of such cases.

A syphilis infected individual remains contagious through the primary and secondary stages. Even though this capability deceases during later stages, presence of sore still presents the treat of infection to another individual.

Thus through proper care and proper protective measure a person can avoid a syphilis infection, thus averting its further spread across the population.

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