Thursday, April 12, 2012

Does a Home Based Business = Time and Money Freedom ...

Time and Money Freedom:

To me it means earning a good to great income?AND having the time to enjoy your life.

It doesn?t mean you have to earn one million dollars a year; it means that you earn enough to fund your lifestyle in a manner that offers you choices such as no alarm clocks, coming and going as you please, funds to do the things you want such as travel, college education for your children or grandchildren and why not?accomplishing some of the things on your ?bucket list?.


For others, it can mean simply more choices with earning an extra thousand or two thousands dollars a month.

It?s often overlooked but what can this ?extra? money do for you, for your family, how would it make you feel and what would it to for your lifestyle?

Unless someone is living in a cave or in total denial?there is now so much mainstream evidence to support that a Home Based Business, Direct and Online Sales?and/or Network Marketing is a growing trend.

Direct sales exceeded $125 billion in 2010 and U.S. Census reports state that as much as 49% of households are involved in some Home Based Business.

However, this is where we must separate the hype from the reality?.

As much as I support the profession I DO NOT support the hype that tells you that you can join something for free, do very little and make a bunch of money!

I also don?t think that because some GURU is walking across stage because he/she is earning 50-100k a month; that this should somehow blind you to select a company, compensation plan and more as part of your decision and what?s best for YOU.

In fact, this is a terrible way to choose a company by the mere fact that someone else is earning X dollars.

Take time to understand how you?re going to get paid and what you need to do in order to earn that upfront or ?residual? income and don?t confuse one-time bonuses, fast start bonuses, 8-9-10 ways to get paid and more with residual income.

I say this because, most people get into this profession because they want to do the work to build a team, (large or small) and then enjoy residual income. That?s income that pays you month after month even though you already did the work and now you simply continue to drive your business but with lots of time freedom.

In a minute, you?ll be able to watch the totally generic video (no products, company or sales pitches) about this profession in order to begin to understand how to succeed and develop a successful business.

However, I want you to know that network marketing is like any other business as far as treating it ?like? a business, putting in the effort to succeed, thinking and acting like an entrepreneur, creating goals and a plan to succeed, etc.

The difference stops there as there is a huge upside income potential but with a low start up cost and investment.

This business model does not require any prior experience and you don?t have to be the ?sales? type to succeed but you should be someone that is willing to learn a system and then teach it so others can succeed as this is a main premise to team building.

Often times, (not always) there is a willing coach or leader to teach and train you and help you get started right. This is a key component in my opinion as you will want to connect with someone that you feel can help you and they don?t have to be the guru on stage but should be someone accessible, that you trust and that you can see team building with now and later.

This business offers little to no risk and yet you have the chance to build an ongoing residual income and you can even begin part-time (not spare time).

You can begin to create your own economy.

In addition, if you have tried and failed at network marketing in the past it may have been the wrong time for you, you may have given up too soon, had the wrong coach, the wrong compensation or you just didn?t make an honest effort to succeed and give yourself the time needed to see success.

If you?re not experiencing success now, then evaluate and either get going in your present business or consider a change as a fresh start but only you can make that determination.

Here?s the generic video:

Click here to watch the video!

There?s more to the story and look for that in future posts. For now, I challenge you to ?step up? and take action, to get started, to feel as though you are part of something bigger than you, to place your ego aside and learn from others.

My long-term Network Marekting Model (yes, I earn a full-time income with this stream alone) Go Here

FREE audio report and awesome marketing?insight to succeed with ANY Home Based Business!

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