Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Write as Rain ? Speaking from the Heart

Write as?Rain

April 10, 2012

I?m totally stoked for the Writers? Institute at UW-Madison this coming weekend. The past few years I?ve been there as a student, this year I?m thrilled to be one of the instructors.

There?s a wide brushstroke of workshops to choose from. For some that means learning how to incorporate the first rule of writing?show, don?t tell. For others it means wielding the sharp-edged blade of write tight?trimming the fat. And then there are those who will:

  • master the do?s and don?ts of a query letter
  • take the opportunity to pitch their project to a literary agent
  • familiarize themselves with constructing a writer?s platform
  • learn how to leverage social media
  • have their work in progress critiqued
  • discover the in?s and out?s of a book proposal
  • start blogging, or become even more proficient at growing their current blog

Rain or shine, it?s going to be fantastic! In fact, it?s going to be write as rain.

What?s your favorite writing weather?

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

?Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.?
? Laurie Buchanan

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? 2012 Laurie Buchanan? All Rights Reserved

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