Thursday, August 16, 2012

A fragmented idea for the advanced writer (or two?)

So I had this dream last night that was really awesome to be in, and it seemed like it could possibly be a springboard for a good story. I'll recount what I can remember, and maybe we can mosaic some pieces together into something coherent.

The first thing I can recall was a big, patterned brick courtyard in front of a large building that looked like some kind of town hall. There were people gathered on all sides and they, in unison, were reciting something, like......i dont know if any of you out there were/are ever FFA members, but before every meeting they would recite this...mission statement/pledge thing? Imagine this is a longer Pledge of Allegiance, and everyone's shouting it excitedly like they're counting down new years. I remember being there, but I didn't know the words so I didn't say anything. At the end, everyone crumpled pieces of paper and threw them into the courtyard. Each piece of paper had a color (i saw green, red, and mine was the only blue). They were symbolic of different nations--each color had it's own, and I seemed to be the only representative from the blue nation. There was much cheering after that.....i think it had something to do with a tradition that celebrated the end of a war-torn history and the rise of a united people, and the throwing of the paper was like throwing away an old, grim constitution of sorts.

Next thing i remember, people are running. I'm a child, but a crafty one used to being left to his own devices. Even at that, I can feel the urgency pushing me forward and the chaos is disconcerting. I think it was some kind of apocalyptic event. People tossed their money at me because they didn't need it anymore, and I was worried about this despite having lots of money. I'm following a rough looking man who's presence exudes experience, knowing he'll keep me safe. But we get separated and he leaves without me. The landscape is torn up and brown, like a battlefield.

Next I come across a group of people under a large tent, and I know they're of the blue nation. Despite being of the same kin, I am not welcomed there and am shooed away. I start to get wily and the man chasing me gets angry and tries to kill me, but two men and one woman from another nation stop him and take me in. One of them is apparently a scientist because back at his home, there are lots of specimens preserved in jars of liquid that i am fascinated by.

So that's what i can remember. It was super fun to be in and i think it could make a cool story. Is anyone interested? I'll take one or two partners, but no more. We'd have to work together to actually build the world itself and the plot, but this could be a start. Thoughts? Ideas?


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