Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two weeks with iPhone 5, Galaxy Note 2, and HTC announcements (MobileTechRoundup show #278)

Summary: I have had the iPhone 5 for two weeks and offered up some thoughts while Kevin tempted me with his new Samsung Galaxy Note 2. HTC also made Android and Windows Phone 8 announcements.

Listen here (MP3, 31.7 MB, 63 minutes)

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A lot has happened in the mobile space since Kevin and I were last able to record so we started off MobileTechRoundup show #278 with our thoughts on using the Apple iPhone 5. Other topics discussed include:

  • Galaxy Note 2 hands on
  • BlackBerry Jam / BB 10
  • HTC announces the HTC One X+, Windows Phone 8X and 8S
  • Smartphone exclusives suck!

Topics: Mobility, Android, Apple, HTC, iPhone, RIM, Samsung

Matthew Miller

About Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller started using a Pilot 1000 in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since.

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