Saturday, March 17, 2012

Focus on the Family Community: Relationships and Marriage ...

I have been married for 25 years to a wonderful, Christian man. A Deacon of the church, leader of boy scouts and youth functions. We have raised 2 wonderful christian children who have married wonderful christian people. Jan 7th, my husband told me that I had been terrible all these years. That He didn't know if He could ever get over all the resentment and to forgive me. He proceded to list many things, some I have no clue where they came from. He said He didn't want a divorce but that He didn't love me anymore. He said He wanted to work on the marriage. So we set up counseling. I did the desperate, crying clinging stuff that did nothing but make Him withdraw further. He was also being quite secretive with his computer and phone. So after a month of crying and blaming myself, I found out He is having an emotional, long distance affair with a high school girl that he reconnected with on Facebook. I ask him about this and He said she fills a void, etc. So, our counselor, which is a Christian and for the marriage, ask him what would make him end this relationship and my husband said if He saw any hope it would be easy. And this was the last time my husband went to counseling. This was 3 weeks ago. Then my husband literally dissappears for 6 nights and no one, even his children can get him to answer the phone or anything. I am still going to counseling and am bettering myself and working on fixing all the things about myself that i need to. I would not be standing up right now if God weren't holding me. This rollercoaster ride has been something that I would never have thought would happen to us. I have told our children that this man is not my husband. Something has taken control of him and I truly believe this. He has distanced himself from them also and we have always been a close family. I, just this day, have turned my husband over to God to do with what He will. I have no control and cannot fix this. My hope is only in God now. Oh, don't get me wrong, I still want my husband back and I believe it's never God's will for a marriage to end. I believe His will is for people to be fixed and marriages to survive. But He gave us our own free will. And I am very afraid my husband is choosing His own will and not Gods. I believe my husband is running from God. At the beginning, my husband was willing to work on our marriage, but now He has completely left our house and has distanced himself from me and only deals with me with indifference. I prayed for God to take me but He hasn't yet. So I will let Him carry me for awhile. I am asking for prayer. And though I don't know your names out there, I am going to pray hard for you. That we all find peace and put our hope and trust in God, when we really just want to shake our husbands and scream real loud.

Has anyone else got any reconciliation stories to give me hope?


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