Monday, March 26, 2012

Seymour IN Real Estate News You Can Use! | Kentuckiana Home ...

Seymour IN Real Estate It?s beautiful outside ?nd th? last th?ng y?u want t? d? ?s spend ?ll ?f your spare t?m? working ?n your home wh?n y?u c?uld b? playing ?r spending t?m? w?th loved ones.

S? what home improvement projects offer th? biggest bang f?r your buck, saving y?u both t?m? ?nd money d?wn th? road?

As ? homeowner, it?s difficult resisting th? temptation ?f ? n?w kitchen ?r bathroom. But rule N?. 1 ?n th? manual ?f Homeownership 101 clearly states: Invest first ?n th? structure ?f your home.

?The reason ?s simple,? says John Gardner ?f APEX Siding System, ? company th?t m?k?s low-maintenance, high-curb appeal fiberglass siding. ?Taking care ?f your home w?ll prevent major, unexpected repairs ?nd w?ll pay dividends ?v?r t?m?.?

Th? second rule ?f thumb ?f home improvements ?s t? invest ?n curb appeal. Whether y?u ?r? selling, renting ?r staying f?r th? l?ng haul, ?t pays t? add charm ?nd distinction ?n th? exterior. Th? exterior ?f ? home ?s th? basis f?r th? first buying decision; th?s ?s why investments ?n curb appeal typically provide ? higher payback th?n ?th?r home improvements.

Finally, m?r? ?nd m?r? homeowners want homes th?t ?r? easier t? maintain. If y?u want t? spend m?r? t?m? enjoying l?f? ?nd less t?m? working ?n your home, invest ?n products such ?s pultruded fiberglass siding ?nd windows th?t ?r? nearly maintenance fr?? ?nd c?n dramatically reduce th? t?m? y?u spend cleaning ?r maintaining your home.

Based ?n th?s? three critical rules ?f homeownership, here?s ? list ?f th? t?p five spring home improvements w?th b?g pay offs:

1. Replace gutters. Replacing old gutters ?s an easy w?y t? spruce up ? home ?nd reduce th? chance ?f water draining into your basement.

2. Update your siding. New siding c?n instantly g?v? th? appearance ?f ? total home makeover, wh?l? ?ls? reducing your maintenance costs by choosing fiberglass products, such ?s APEX siding ?nd trim. Removing old siding ?ls? provides th? opportunity t? inspect your home f?r ?ny moisture ?r critter damage th?t ?f left unchecked c?n lead t? significant ?nd costly damage t? th? structure ?f your home.

3. Repair th? roof. Severe weather ?v?r th? years c?n t?k? its toll ?n your roof. Inspect your roof f?r loose, damaged ?r missing shingles, especially around chimneys ?nd vents, wh?r? water c?n leak into your home.

4. Install energy efficient windows. Replace old, out-of-date windows w?th n?w energy-efficient, Integrity windows made w?th Ultrex, ? fiberglass product.

5. Re-seal your driveway. Look f?r cracks ?nd movement ?n your concrete ?nd asphalt driveway. Fill cracks w?th ? crack filler ?r sealer t? prevent water fr?m getting underneath your driveway. Re-seal your driveway t? g?v? ?t ? fresh, n?w look.


Seymour IN Real Estate News You Can Use!


Seymour IN Real Estate News is updated every week with a variety of information that you can use in and around your home. In the Seymour IN Real Estate News, we share home decorating and home improvement ideas, as well as information on senior living, green living and much more.

Make Seymour IN Real Estate News your exclusive source for information and ideas related to your home!

Plus, be sure to check out all of the wonderful local Seymour IN businesses here on our website! They stand ready to serve you today! ?Please don?t forget to mention to the merchant that you saw their information here in the Seymour IN Real Estate News.


Here are some other real estate related sites that we found for you to browse. Thanks for visiting Kentucky Real Estate News.

Nancy Stein in New Albany IN - Yahoo! Real Estate
News of Bench and Bar - Digital Repository @ Maurer Law - Indiana ...
Harrison County Indiana - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
User:Bedford - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
LIVE YOUR DREAM - Kelley School of Business - Indiana University


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