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The VN-30 Index (VN30), a free-float adjusted, market capitalization-weighted index of 30 stocks that have the highest market value and liquidity on the bourse, increased 2 percent to 511.41. Khang Dien House Trading and Investment Joint-Stock Co.
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The truth, however, is that anyone buying stock on the basis of a text message from a service about which they know virtually nothing is making a mistake, which is why Toron is the Stupid Investment of the Week. Stupid Investment of the Week highlights ?
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What was your best long term investment stock gain you have had? What was the best investment gain you had on a single stock buy buying and holding for over 2-3 years? (% wise, or net gain even) Why did you pick it in the first place, and why did it do so well? Answer by Vithur asked by: testy | Can investment stock losses in a trust be carried back against stock gains from prior year returns? Can investment losses in the current year be applied to gains in prior years in a trust account? If so, do I simply amend the prior years returns or is there a place on the 1041 for the carryback? Thanks Best answers: Answer by v b asked by: Dav F |
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